The Journaling Blog

This page shares my best articles on the topic of writing therapy with a special focus on keeping a journal for healing and growth.

Gratitude journal writing

How to Write a Gratitude Journal for a Happier Life

The gratitude journal is one powerful tool for nurturing a deeper sense of joy and break cycles of negativity. Here’s why and how to do it to maximize its benefits.

ana juma journaling

Journaling for Anxiety: 27 Prompts for Stress Relief

If you’re thinking about starting a practice of journaling for anxiety, chances are that you’ve felt its grip tightening your mind and heart. The solution may lie within your reach, in something as simple as putting pen to paper.

Journaling: writing vs typing?

Journaling: Writing vs Typing

While both journaling and keeping a diary have their benefits, understanding the difference between journaling and diary writing will help you choose the most suitable format tailored to your specific needs and goals. effective when it comes to journaling. In this article, you’ll learn the benefits of both media versus the other.

The 3 Types of Journals to Keep

When you know how journaling works, journaling will work for you. Whether you’re new to journaling or a seasoned veteran, this article will help you understand the 3 different types of journals and choose which one is best for you.

Woman writing in a journal vs diary

Journal vs Diary Writing

While both journaling and keeping a diary have their benefits, understanding the difference between journaling and diary writing will help you choose the most suitable format tailored to your specific needs and goals. In this article, you’ll learn the benefits of journal vs diary writing.

Featured Articles

How to Create a Gratitude Journal

Habits to Help You Achieve Your Goals

75 Shadow Work Prompts

Journaling To Help You Set Goals

7-Day Free Journaling Journey

Keeping a journal for personal growth is one of the most powerful, yet simple (and affordable) rituals you can cultivate. Join me to receive videos and printable content to help you start writing a journal today.